Just a quick little update today: There is a new trailer for HOMD, and I want you to point your face in its direction. Enjoy!
Soundtrack Sneak Peek! Excitement!

What’s been going on? I’ve been writing, designing and implementing the game’s questlines over the last few weeks, and it’s all coming together quite nicely. I also coded some gooey blood splatter effects for combat, because videogames. The UI changes
Exciting Announcement: A new member of the HOMD team throws their hat into the ring!
Things are going swimmingly here at Pixel Trickery HQ, so here’s a short but sweet update! It’s the opposite of me – I’m tall and sour. First of all, the eponymous exciting announcement – thanks to your generous funding, I’ve been
The Kickstarter winds down, with over 300% of our goal

Yesterday, A House of Many Doors’ Kickstarter campaign drew to a close, with 1103 backers and £12,866 raised. That’s over 300% of its funding goal. This is, needless to say, fantastic news and will completely transform AHoMD visually and musically. Thanks so much to everyone