Come in, come in, sit down! Here’s your grapnel. If another devlog gets within 50 paces, you will launch the grappling-hook, crash through their window, and wreak merry hell. I hear the Top Secret devlog will soon be approaching, so ready yourself.
A sneak peek at the combat system, which has become deep, interesting, and surprisingly nasty
The last 2 weeks have been an intense period of knuckling-down on the combat part of the game. Exploring the House, you are sure to meet other travellers, and some of them are not friendly. Better to flee, perhaps, or
Exciting Announcement: A new member of the HOMD team throws their hat into the ring!
Things are going swimmingly here at Pixel Trickery HQ, so here’s a short but sweet update! It’s the opposite of me – I’m tall and sour. First of all, the eponymous exciting announcement – thanks to your generous funding, I’ve been
The Kinetopede Upgrade System
I recently made a guest blog post on Failbetter Games’ website! Have a look! Welcome, traveller. Step into this little hole. I’m going to bury you up to the neck. This will take a while and be quite dull for
Kickstarter Progress & New Art Announcement
Hello, wanderers. Sit down, pour yourself a cup of tea. It’s terrible outside, but it’s lovely here. I thought we were due for an update on my Kickstarter progress. A House of Many Doors is currently sitting pretty at over 200% funded, and still
Kickstarter Launched! Greenlight Launched! Play the Demo Today!
This is not a drill, people. A House of Many Doors has launched its Kickstarter! THE KICKSTARTER AWAITS YOUR ATTENTION. Please, if you’re reading this, consider backing the game. A project’s initial burst of momentum, in those first 24-48 hours, is
Two huge announcements: New trailer, new art!
Trailer The game’s very first trailer is now live. This is not a drill. Check it out below! Art I have managed to find a truly fantastic artist who has agreed to work on the game’s illustrations. Say hello to Catherine Unger – she’s
A little bit personal: Thoughts on going indie full-time
Feel free to skip this blog entry if you prefer – with the upcoming Kickstarter consuming my time, and in the absence of much dev progress because of that, it’s going to be a much more personal entry than usual.
Monday Nugget: A Psychological Problem
Nugget is a disgusting word, isn’t it? Why the hell do we apply it to food? Two shorter updates this week, rather than one long one. This one is especially short, though, because over the last weekend I’ve been working
The Final Devlog Friday – Gods, keys, and mountainous scabs
Important note: This is the last Devlog Friday because Friday is, in terms of attracting eyeballs, a terrible day to update a blog! Everyone just wants to go outside and have fun on a Friday. Mostly, the date is an