I have a hot new trailer to go with the game’s hot new release date. (That’s September 24th, tell your friends, tell your enemies.) I was also featured in PC Gamer last week! (I was prompted to make a new trailer
New Release Trailer!

I have a hot new trailer to go with the game’s hot new release date. (That’s September 24th, tell your friends, tell your enemies.) I was also featured in PC Gamer last week! (I was prompted to make a new trailer
Big news, gang! A House of Many Doors now has an official release date! 24th September 2016. That’s the news. Get your hype trousers on. Go spread the word. Don’t bother reading further unless you’re interested in apologies and excuse-making!
Remember a few weeks ago, when we discussed monsters in darkness? I implied that the only way of dealing with them was to turn on your Heartlight. Actually, that’s not your only option – though the other options will require
A couple of months on, I can look back on HOMD’s early alpha release with a nice sense of perspective, and all told it actually went very well. There were many reports of instability and poor collision detection, but both
Backers, watchers, lurkers, friends, The tarmac is shattered. The buildings are choking on vines. Steam belches from the cracks in the sky. But the devlogs; the devlogs always go through. When I was showing off HOMD at Rezzed last week,
Hello everyone, Just a quick note to say that I will be operating a small booth at this year’s EGX Rezzed! If you’re near London this week, why not drop in and see me? You’ll be able to play a
Hello. Game details in a minute. First, an announcement: I will be at GDC! Yes, tomorrow I’m jumping on a metal machine which will fly me through the sky at over five hundred miles an hour. I’ll be so high
Hello friends, Last week, the House of Many Doors alpha was released to MATRON-tier backers and above. The game is still very much unfinished and very much an alpha, but enough of the code is complete that I felt alpha testing
Hello, squids and snails. (Edit: It has come to my attention that the opening line of this update could be potentially viewed as discriminatory towards certain varieties of mollusc: slugs, octopodes, limpets, and cuttlefish, to name just a few. I
The cold dawn is what wakes you – not the stench of rotten mince pie, nor the baby pissing gently in your ear. What happened? Is it January already? > Eat pies The pies have ossified into a hideous mass.